Teak Furniture Care: How to Clean

We have lots of people ask what to do when it comes to Teak Furniture Care and how to clean teak furniture since we are the experts on Teak Lumber, Decking, and Plywood.

Our recommendation is to use  Country Casual Products for all of your Teak Furniture Care. Country Casual offers two Teak Cleaning packages:

The first cleaning option is  a Single Step Teak Cleaner that is a water-based product intended to clean teak furniture  with one easy step. Teak Cleaner will safely remove dirt and debris, and with vigorous scrubbing will remove moderate weathering and graying. Teak cleaner should be used on dirty or weathering teak furniture before applying other teak sealers or glosses. We recommend cleaning annually.

One Step Teak Cleaner

The second more serious cleaner is Country Casual Two-Part Cleaner, which is a solvent-based deep cleaner designed to thoroughly remove or strip dirt, oil, stains and graying from severely weathered teak. This two-part process will lighten and brighten wood, and is recommended for furniture that hasn’t been regularly maintained for several years.

Two Part Teak Cleaner

Once you have your teak furniture clean the question is how do you keep it that way or how do you get back the golden color of new teak?

Again, there are two options. The first is called Silver Teak Shield, which it is ideal for inhibiting mold, mildew and discoloration while allowing teak to weather naturally to a soft, silvery gray patina. Reapply annually.


The second option is Golden Sealer teak sealer, which is the ideal product for anyone trying to maintain the golden blonde color of new teak wood. Teak sealer was specifically designed for use with teak outdoor furniture, and prevents furniture left outdoors from weathering to a silver / gray color. You can use Golden Sealer on older cleaned furniture, but you may need more sealer to return the full golden color. We recommend using no more than two thin coats. Golden Sealer must be reapplied annually and must be stripped clean periodically (every 2-3 years depending on you environment) and reapplied.


If you want to know how to clean teak decking on your boat, we recommend a different product and you can find that information here: How to Clean Teak Decks?

If you have any questions about Teak or any hardwood care or use, please let us know below in the comments section or contact us.